Thursday, February 28, 2013

I'm off to club Bed featuring DJ Pillow & Mc Blankey.

one day the sky will crack open
and the stars will pour out 
in waves of moonlight-
and there is your love.

Monday, February 25, 2013

There are a thousand things I wish for you for the coming year, but it all comes down to this (of course it does, it always does): love. I hope you will be loved and be able to love in return. I hope you will find love in rainy days and joyless places and, most of all, in yourself. I hope you will discover a love greater than you have ever imagined and I hope you can hold on to it. I hope you can spread some love around the world - I hope your sentences and acts are made of it. I hope you will fall asleep every day with a heart full of love and I hope everyone can see it in your eyes. I hope you will look at life with love and I hope that this year you will finally learn to love it.

If I could be an object,
just for a little while,
I would chose to be 
a dreamcatcher.
And I would collect all the dreams
which are spun with love and which I caught
so deftly, in a large jar with a lid on it.
And after months of hard working I would have
so many dreams, that for the rest of my life
I would be able to drink dreams as breakfast (every day).

retrouvaille (n.): the joy of meeting or finding someone again after a long separation; rediscovery

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 
I Peter 4:8

Your lips are like wine & I want to get drunk.