Saturday, October 6, 2012

We've agreed on a change is what you need and I think this may help. A wise man once told me:

Imagine your life, the wait it is right now, as your chained to a rock with a 10 ft chain. So there is a 10 ft radius you can walk in a circle around this big heavy rock and that is your comfort zone/current situation. Whilst your in it, you're not even aware you're attached to it.

Then one day you see something 20 ft away that you want. The change in your life. In your case getting rid of your current relationship and feeling okay about doing it and happy. In order to get there, you have to drag this rock there. It is going to be hard work, painful and chances are it will take a while. But once you are there you have created your new comfort zone and you will become happy there again..

Change is often painful and takes time to get where you want to be again. You must expect the pain and often loneliness buy know that it is the short term price you pay for long term happiness.